Ladies Choice
Section A
Fancy Double
2 Basic
2 Basics
Section B
Moutain Goat
2 Doulbes, 2 Drags left
2 Doubles, 2 Drags right
2 basics, split middle
Joey Jump
Hand Jive
2 Do-Si-Do Basics
S-S-S-S-S-Stomp (switch partners)
Section A (repeat)
Section B
Section C
Happy Slappy Clappy Thing
Drop right hand - swilvel 360 with partner 16 beats
let go - run in circle - 8 beats
S-S-S-S-S- Stomp (switch partners)
Short Section B
2 Doubles, 2 Drags left
2 Doubles, 2 Drags right
2 Basics, split middle
Joey Jump
Hand Jive
2 Do-Si-Do basic
S-S-S-S-S Stomp (switch partners)
Section A (repeat)
Section C
Happy Slappy Clappy Thing
Swivel 360 with partner 16 beats
Let go- run off stage